

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Exciting news! Emerald is Pantone’s Color of the Year!

Here is the announcement from Pantone. Emerald is not a colour that features heavily in my wardrobe but it is a colour I love. Hmmm…. What key pieces will I need to add emerald highlights to my outfits? Love it or loathe it?

6 ways to give (and receive) constructive criticism

I’m a big believer in feedback – without feedback we wouldn’t change. I’m also a big believer in encouraging people to be the best they can be. Sometimes this can require some diplomatically-phrased criticism. However there is a difference between constructive feedback and destructive feedback. In my line of work I deal with a lot … Continue reading

Colour me happy!

The colors of the web

It’s not only fonts that rock my world it’s colour! I just love how a bright pink scarf in the middle of winter can give me a lift, turquoise thongs (flip flops) make me yearn for summer and the green of my lawn brings me puppy-like joy.

Colour affects the perception of your brand; colours evoke emotion and emotions obviously affect the way we feel which is a crucial thing to consider when selecting corporate colours for your brand. 

I have had colours ruined for me by working in marketing departments, over use of colour can really get you down and in my current role I am limited to the corporate colours of burgundy, orange, grey and black (what a combo! No, I didn’t choose them!).

Thankfully my freelance work allows me scope for playing with colour, especially as my clients have recently asked me to develop logos for their brands. It’s a tricky business when working with clients as varied as photographers, doulas and now, a disability service. Colours are as important as the words you use to convey your brand. 


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